21  February 2013  - 14:40
Maybank's FY2012 net profit up 17.6% to record RM5.74 billion

Maybank today reported a record profit after tax and minority interest (PATAMI) of RM5.74 billion for the year ended 31 December 2012, surpassing its ROE target of 15.6% with an achievement of 16%. PATAMI was up 17.6% from the RM4.88 billion in the corresponding period to December 2011. Profit before tax (PBT) for the Group also touched a new high of RM7.89 billion from the RM6.88 billion a year earlier.

More information is available as follows:

  1. Press Release
  2. Financial Statement (PDF: 1.8 MB)
  3. Investor Presentation (PDF: 1.8 MB)
  4. Information on final dividend FY2012