26  February 2019
Maybank's FY2018 earnings release: PBT up 8% to record RM10.9b on strong Q4 earnings

Maybank Group today announced that it achieved a record profit before tax (PBT) of RM10.9 billion for the financial year ended 31 December 2018, up 8.0% from a year earlier boosted mainly by higher loans growth, lower overhead costs as well as lower provisioning.


  • Profit before tax up 8.0% to RM10.9b Y-o-Y
  • Net profit surpasses RM8b for first time, touching RM8.11b or 7.9% higher Y-o-Y
  • 4QFY18 net profit at RM2.33b, 9.1% higher than a year earlier
  • FY18 net operating income at record RM23.63b, on the back of a 3.1% rise in fund based income
  • FY18 PPOP at new high of RM12.42b
  • Net impairment losses reduced by 20.5%
  • Healthy capital position: Total capital ratio at 18.51%; CET1 ratio of 14.51%
  • Final single-tier dividend of 32 sen per share; full-year dividend yield of 6.0%
  • Earnings per share (basic) of 74.2 sen from 72.0 sen a year earlier
  • Group Return on Equity at 11.4% exceeding guidance of ~11% for the year

More information is available as follows:
1. Press Release
2. Investor Presentation
3. Financial Statements