Corp News

Lucky winners win big in Maybank's ASB Investment Campaign

19 April 2013

5 min read

Three lucky customers emerged winners in the Maybank Amanah Saham Bumiputra (ASB) investment Campaign 2012, grabbing cash prizes ranging from RM20,000 to RM100,000 while another eight winners took home RM5,000 each.


For Mohd Eqram Abu Kasim from Terengganu it was truly a windfall when he was announced first prize winner, receiving RM100,000 cash. Meanwhile, Fawziah Razam from Malacca won second prize of RM40,000 while Tuan Noor Juliana Jusoh from Kelantan took home the third prize of RM20,000. The campaign ran over a nine month period from April – December 2012.


The prizes were presented recently by Maybank’s Head of Consumer Finance, Hamirullah Boorhan and Head of Retail Finance, Junaida Ahmad Noor at a special ceremony held in Menara Maybank recently.


Mohd Eqram, 24, a Processing Engineer in one of the oil and gas companies, said it was the biggest prize he had ever won in his life and he did not expect such a windfall.


“I’ve never won such a big prize before, in fact when I applied to invest in ASB units through Maybank, I never knew such a competition existed. The reason I applied for ASB was to start saving for the future,” he said


The former student of Universiti Teknologi Petronas said he had just received his first salary in November 2012 when he opened his ASB account at Maybank.


“I’m thankful to my parents who advised me not to delay in investing in ASB. I plan to increase my savings in my ASB account soon,” said Mohd Eqram who was accompanied by his parents at the prize presentation ceremony.


Fawziah Razam, 37, a housewife, could not believe that she was RM40,000 richer. She said her application for ASB financing last November was actually handled by her husband, Sharul Nizam Ramli.


“My husband took care of the entre application process at Maybank Merlimau branch. In fact, the decision to invest in ASB was also made by him as he did not want the monthly allowance given to me to be spent on unnecessary things. I have not decided what to do with the unexpected prize, but it will definitely ease my burden in making monthly instalments,” she said.


She attributed her win to the blessings from her four children. Fawziah said that they had sacrificed a lot and the family had spent much of their savings for the treatment of her second child who is suffering from leukaemia.


“We kept going back and forth from Malacca to Universiti Malaya Medical Centre almost every month for my son’s treatment since he was three years old. Due to this, we were unable to save at all. Now, my son is 10 years old and requires less treatment. Our expenses have also decreased as he is only required to go for treatment once every six months. Only now are we able to start saving in ASB,” she said.


The Maybank ASB Investment Campaign was one of the Bank’s initiatives to encourage long-term savings through unit trust funds managed by Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASNB). It also aimed to educate customers of alternative investment options apart from the usual savings and investment products.


Hamirullah said that the Maybank ASB Investment Campaign last year managed to attract more than 100,000 applicants, reflecting the increased awareness amongst customers of the potential returns of such unit trust funds.


Maybank is the first financial services institution to allow customers to invest in unit trusts offered by ASNB online at Among the unit trust funds offered include Amanah Saham Bumputera (ASB), Amanah Saham Wawasan 2020 (ASW2020), Amanah Saham Didik (ASD), Amanah Saham Malaysia (ASM), Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN), Amanah Saham Gemilang (ASG) and Amanah Saham 1 Malaysia (AS1M).

