Corp News

Maybank Security Guards enjoy 10% salary adjustment in new CA

01 July 2013

4 min read

Maybank Security Guards enjoy 10% salary adjustment in new CA
- New Auxiliary Police Allowance included in CA


The Maybank Security Guards Safety Association (KPPKMB) has signed a new collective agreement (CA) with Maybank, which will see them enjoying, amongst others, a 10% salary adjustment and a host of other improved benefits. The new Collective Agreement has further placed the salary range for KPPKMB members well above the industry average.


A signing ceremony was held at Menara Maybank to commemorate the successful conclusion of the agreement, which is effective for a three year period until 2014. At the signing ceremony, KPPKMB was represented by its President, Nasir bin Goneng and Secretary, Sharudin bin Aziz, while Maybank was represented by its Head of Group Human Capital, Nora Manaf and Deputy President and Head of Community Financial Services, Datuk Lim Hong Tat.


The agreement, which is Maybank‟s 8th CA with KPPKMB, awards all 53 Maybank Security Guards in service with an average salary adjustment of 10%.


In addition, the salary range had also been revised whereby the minimum and maximum salary cap have both been increased by 10%.The annual increment has also been raised in tandem with the new midpoint, averaging 5%. The guards will also receive increases in various other allowances such as Laundry Allowance, Dental & Optical, Shift Allowance, Subsistence Allowance, Fire-Arm Allowance and uniforms.


A unique feature of the latest CA is a new allowance called the „Auxiliary Police Allowance‟ whereby Guards who have been accredited as Auxiliary Police with ranks of Corporals, Sergeants and Inspectors, will now be entitled to additional allowances between RM 100 – RM 300 per month.


Speaking on the new CA, Nora Manaf said that the successful conclusion of this agreement was due to the strong commitment by both parties to ensure a win-win outcome.


“Our negotiations were conducted in a most cordial manner with both parties working towards a common goal,” she said. “With this CA, Maybank has now concluded new agreements with all its three in house unions, namely Association of Maybank Class One Officers, Association of Maybank Executives and KPPKMB which are valid until 2014.”


Nora added that the Maybank security guards have been committed to enhancing their professionalism with the support from Maybank.


“We are happy to note that 85% of our security guards are now accredited as Auxiliary Police following required training at the Malaysia Police Training Centre (PULAPOL) in November 2012 and January this year,” she said. “They are now given greater empowerment and authority to carry out their duties to ensure security of the bank and customers. They have also been fully trained to handle any critical situation pertaining to the security of the Bank.”


“This collective agreement recognises the achievements of the security guards and we hope it will boost their confidence and commitment,” she said.


Meanwhile, President of KPPKMB, Nasir bin Goneng said “On behalf of KPPKMB, we are thankful for the increase in allowances given to all security guards. It would at least support and ease the cost of living of our fellow members. The benefits would definitely help to increase productivity as to ensure the safety of Maybank staff and customers are well taken care of.”

