Corp News

Tigers share the Festival of Lights joy with special guests

09 November 2015

4 min read

“Music, dances, laughter and friendship”- these were among many of the unique emotions felt at the Festival of Lights celebration hosted by Maybank in Kuala Lumpur where the Group ushered in the Deepavali festivity together with special school children and senior citizens from Selangor.

The event which was filled with colors, sumptuous delicacies and traditional music saw over 60 school children from Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Tamil) Pulau Carey and 40 senior citizens from Pusat Jagaan Warga Tua Jashiera, Bestari Jaya, who were given the experience to celebrate Deepavali, the Maybank way.

The children and senior citizens expressed their excitement during the event as they sang and danced the day away with Maybankers.

The event was hosted by Group President and CEO Maybank, Datuk Abdul Farid Alias together with Maybank Group EXCO members as well as members of the Board.

The special guests were entertained with traditional Indian cultural performances by Persatuan Seni Kebudayaan India Greentown, Ipoh, who showcased their abilities in classical dancing and Tawil performances.

The event also saw a special performance by a ‘Bhangra’ Group from the Persatuan Seni Kebudayaan India Greentown who filled the event with so much energy that they managed to entice Maybankers, as well as the children and senior citizens to dance together in the name of unity and celebration.

The aim of the event was not all just about fun but was filled with ‘heart’ as Maybank presented gift items to the special guests to bring alive their festive joy .

Maybank Group Chief Human Capital Officer, Nora Manaf said that it has been a longstanding tradition for Maybank to celebrate the major festivities in Malaysia by organising activities that provide opportunities for employees to bring cheer to the less fortunate as well as to appreciate the rich heritage of respective communities where it operates.

“We find that these activities help to strengthen harmony and understanding amongst the different groups, and provide a platform for employees to demonstrate the Maybank core values,” she explained.

“The joy in celebrating the festivities is always made more special when we share it with the community, which is very much in line with our mission of humanising financial services.”
