
Programme name

Solar Panel Project


A project initiated by Yayasan Amal Malaysia Cawangan Sabah to provide solar energy as an alternative to electricity for daily use. The programme aims to improve the quality of social life of Asnaf’s social life and the local community.

Target Segment

Marginalised Communities

No. of Beneficiaries Impacted

FY2022 : 196 beneficiaries

FY2023 : 335 beneficiaries


  • Children can utilise solar resources to study comfortably at night.
  • Promotes cost efficiency by the reducing daily expenses of villagers in terms of fuel cost required for generators.
  • Contributes to a safer environment by minimising the use of fossil fuels.
  • Ensure safety at night and allowing for increased visibility and reduce risks of accidents or intrusions.
  • Enables community activities in surau and study classes to be carried out more comfortably, fostering a conducive learning and gathering environment.