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Our Mission


Maybank's foundation as a community bank, over 60 years ago, was inspired by a need to provide equitable financial opportunities to Malaysian communities. Essentially, sustainability is an integral part of our DNA. Today, our mission of Humanising Financial Services includes actively challenging obstacles to equitable growth and sustainability for all of ASEAN's communities.

Do The Right Thing

As community leaders, we understand our responsibility when it comes to profits for today along with the resilience for the future. It is a balancing act that requires full understanding of the ecological and societal impact of our actions. This core principle drives us to constantly aim for a greater tomorrow not just for us, but future generations. Do the Right Thing.
Leave No One Behind

Inclusivity plays an important role in elevating the society as it helps to reduce poverty. Our role is to bridge opportunity gaps by providing everyone easy access to intuitive financial facilities and solutions. We believe accessibility is crucial for financial independence.
Serve as a Force for Good

We continue to invest in a sustainable future for our communities with initiatives and innovative solutions that elevate society towards a brighter future, one that is inclusive and prosperous for all segments of society.
Do the Right Thing Leave No One Behind Serve as a Force for Good

As community leaders, we are responsible for making profits today that build resilience for the future. We are acutely aware of the ecological and societal impact of our actions. This core principle drives us to “Do the Right Thing” – towards a greater tomorrow not just for us now, but for future generations.

Inclusivity plays an important role in elevating the society as it helps to reduce poverty. Our role is to bridge opportunity gaps by providing everyone easy access to intuitive financial facilities and solutions. We believe accessibility is crucial for financial independence.

We continue to invest in a sustainable future for our communities with initiatives and innovative solutions that elevate society towards a brighter future, one that is inclusive and prosperous for all segments of society.

Walking the Talk

We are ranked 2nd in ASEAN league tables for Green Bond underwriting.

We were the primary distribution bank for Sukuk Prihatin, the first in Malaysia whereby proceeds were channelled to finance measures announced in the economic stimulus packages and recovery plan to address the economic fall-out from Covid-19.

We have financed over 300MW of large-scale solar plants in the last 3 years in Malaysia.

We led the largest green sustainable and responsible investment Sukuk in the world and the largest solar Sukuk issued in Malaysia then (Quantum Solar).

We have been involved in landmark and award-winning deals; many of which are the first of their kind, such as the first green bond in Indonesia in 2018.

In 2018, we were joint arranger and book runner for the World's Second Green Sovereign Sukuk Tranche for the Republic of Indonesia.